Artist in residence

Agerupgård huser kunstnerophold, hvor der kan gøres brug af gårdens lydstudie og grafiske værksted. Vi arbejder både med open calls og forløb hvor kunstnere inviteres. Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev for at blive opdateret om kommende open calls.
Spring/fall 2025
February-May / October-December 2025
Duration: 2-4 weeks
Agerup AIR is a visual art and sound residency based at the former farm Agerupgård. Located centrally on the island surrounded by fields, Agerupgård offers graphic art and sound studios, a 40m2 project space and plenty of room in the old barns and garden. Next to the artist-in-residency program, we host workshops, seminars and exhibitions. The buildings are surrounded by a 2 hectar large green area with old trees, fruits and vegetables, chickens and sheep, situated a 15 minute bike ride from the sea and local supermarkets.
Agerup AIR wants to foster and support experimental artistic practice that is both sustainable and communal. Agerup AIR offers and encourages international artists to enter into dialogue with the island’s community and stunning nature. The graphic and sound studios provide the possibility to focus on work production, experimentation and the development of new ideas. You can find more info and pictures about the studios here:
Graphic studio
Sound studio
Project space
We welcome everyone to apply – especially artists working in the fields of graphic and sound art, but other disciplines are warmly welcome too (sculpture, writing, painting, photography etc.). There are no special requirements. If we receive more applications than time allows for, we will select artists based on their project proposals and try to merge groups, which can stimulate each other.
You can either share the residency guest house with up to two other artists, or stay there on your own, with your family or artist collective.
What is included
– A work table in the shared project space, graphic or sound studio
– A room in the guest house with shared living room, kitchen, and bathroom.
– Heating, internet, electricity, bed sheets and towels
– Access to washing machine and a bicycle
– Introduction to Samsø’s vibrant and welcoming local creative community
– Recommendations to artistic contexts in Aarhus and Copenhagen
1250 DKK (170 EUR) per week/person
Renting the entire guest house; stay on your own, bring your family or share it with your artist group (max. three people):
2500 DKK (330 EUR) per week
Additional options
– Use of the graphic or sound studio (100 DKK/day)
– Assisted use of the graphic studio (350 DKK/hour)
– Artist talk or presentation (not mandatory)
– Join a workshop or seminar during your stay
– Give a workshop to locals
We also offer the option to do a Work Away or WWOOF residency, which means that instead of paying rent, you will work 4-5 hours per day in the garden or around the farm. Keep in mind that this will take time and energy away from your project. But it can also give inspiration. For more info about our WWOOFing program have a look here. We can only accept one artist at a time doing a Work Away or WWOOF residency.
Terms and conditions
– Transportation, food, production and material costs are to be paid by the artist.
– We will request a first rate of the fee within the first month after you confirmed your stay. The rest of the payment will be invoiced two months in advance.
– Cancellation policy: 60 days before the start of your stay, all charges will be refunded. 30 days before, 50% will be refunded. Cancellations 15 days before the residency will not be refunded.
– We recommend the purchase of a travel insurance, to cover unexpected occurrences causing cancellation.
– We can write a letter of invitation, if you are applying for funding.
How to get to Samsø and around
– Public Transport: Ferries from Kalundborg, Hou and Århus. You can reach the harbours with public transport.
– Nearest airports are Billund or Copenhagen
– By car: Ferries from Hou or Kalundborg
– On Samsø you can either walk, bike or order a Telebus (2 hours in advance).
– We do not own a car, so you need to be able to get around by yourself.
For further questions, please write to
How to apply
You can apply in Danish, German, Dutch or English.
Send an email to with the following:
– Name, address, e-mail and phone number
– Link to web page or other kind of presentation
– Short bio and sketch or idea of what you intend to work with during your stay
– Preferred time period and possible dates of stay
– Do you want to rent the whole guest house, or share it with others?
– Do you wish to use the graphic or sound studio?
Spring call (February-May 2025): November 15th 2024
The selected artists will be informed in early december.
Fall call (October-December 2025): June 15th 2025
The selected artists will be informed in early July.
TERRAFORM er et residency-forløb hvor en gruppe udvalgte kunstnere opholder sig på Samsø i en koncentreret periode for at eksperimentere, udvikle og producere nye værker i samspil med øens ressourcer og lokalsamfundet.
TERRAFORM ønsker at formidle og understøtte en nytænkende kunstnerisk praksis der foregår tværs over discipliner, som både er bæredygtig og fællesskabsfremmende. I samarbejde med andre kulturaktører og institutioner skaber projektet unikke rammer, hvori der kan arbejdes solidarisk og produceres kunst lokalt, med tilgængelige materialer, metoder og teknikker.
TERRAFORM – I KNUD VIKTORS LYDSPOR var et residency forløb i forbindelse med udstillingen LÆG ØRET TIL JORDEN – Lydmaleren Knud Viktor på Samsø, hvor en gruppe samtidskunstnere deltog i et fælles arbejdsophold på Agerupgård, Samsø og i Bang & Olufsens tidligere lydstudier hos Sound Art Lab, Struer. De fire inviterede kunstnere arbejdede over tre uger med Knud Viktors oeuvre og metode som udgangspunkt for deres nutidige praksis.
Deltagende kunstnere:
Melissa Van Drie (FR)
er en forsker, performer og forfatter fra Frankrig, som arbejder med hvordan lyd, hørelse og lytning er vigtige aspekter af verdensskabelse: hvordan forskellige mennesker og ikke-mennesker bruger lyd til at fornemme og forstå deres respektive miljøer.
Nanna Elvin Hansen (DK)
er en kunstner og filmskaber med base i København, hvis praksis ofte fokuserer på spørgsmål relateret til feminisme- og migrationspolitik. Disse spørgsmål undersøger hun ofte gennem en kollektiv og kollaborativ proces af film-, video- og lydproduktion.
Sarah Sikorie (NO)
er en kunstner fra Oslo, som arbejder med skulptur og installation, med en særlig interesse i den processuelle dannelse af vores slægtskab og sameksistens med andre arter. Hendes værker er baseret på stedsspecifikke interaktioner.
Lieven Martens (BE)
er en kunstner fra Antwerpen, Belgien. Han skaber konceptuel musik, der svæver mellem feltoptagelser, ambient, musique concrète og moderne komposition. Han undersøger “lyden af øer”, hvor han har ladet sig inspirere af øer rundt i verden som Hawaiʻi, La Reunion og Azorerne.
Terraform 2023 modtog støtte fra Statens Kunstfond, Sonning-Fonden og Art Music Denmark.
Otte internationale kunstnere har i løbet af 2021 haft mulighed for at bo og arbejde på øen i to uger hver. De har udforsket og arbejdet med øens ressourcer for at eksperimentere, producere og udvikle nye værker og udgivelser, hvor der er lagt et særligt fokus på serielle værker og såkaldte multiples, kunstværker der er fremstillet i flere kopier og dermed nemt kan distribueres.
I mødet med øen har teknologi tjent kunstnerne som sensorisk værktøj, idet de har brugt instrumenter som metaldetektorer, overvågningskameraer, mikrofoner, scannere og fotografisk eksponering til at fremhæve og dokumentere en række elementer specifikke for livet og naturen på Samsø. Resultaterne spænder fra originale kunstværker, tekster, video- og lydoptagelser til multiples lavet af forskellige materialer som serigrafiske tryk, vin, keramiske skulpturer m.m.
Deltagende kunstnere: Ada van Hoorebeke (BE), Alexander Holm (DK), Christopher L. Shields (US/IR), Eeva Rönkä (FIN), Gijs Deddens (NL), Jani A. Purhonen (FIN), Wilfred Wagner (DK), Zoë C. Miller (US)
Terraform 2021 modtog støtte fra Statens Kunstfond og Samsø Kommune.
Se en video om TERRAFORM 2021 her:
Oversigt over artists in residency på Agerupgård:
Maria Michailidou, Ulla Eriksen, Jenny Gräf Sheppard, Ada van Hoorebeke, Anja Mauruschat, Amy Faust, Liesbeth Feys, Jakob Van den Broucke, Sebastian von der Heide, Charlotte Moe
TERRAFORM: Melissa Van Drie (FR), Nanna Elvin Hansen (DK), Sarah Sikorie (NO), Lieven Martens (BE)
Amr Hatem (SY), Ernst Markus Stein (DE)
Zoe Dittrich-Wamser (DE), Pia Litzenberger (DE), Dieter Durinck (BE), Bram van Meervelde (BE)
TERRAFORM: Ada van Hoorebeke (BE), Alexander Holm (DK), Christopher L. Shields (US/IR), Eeva Rönkä (FIN), Gijs Deddens (NL), Jani A. Purhonen (FIN), Wilfred Wagner (DK), Zoë C. Miller (US)